Thursday, October 22, 2009

Plus One

The family that has been with us all week had some brake trouble on their
trip down. When Caleb and Mr. went over to check out the car and see if they
could work on it before they left to travel back to Addis Ababa, they found
out that pretty much all that had been holding their front wheel on the
whole second day of travel down here was the brake caliper. Needless to say,
the car isn't able to be driven out. Seeing as we were already planning on
heading into town to re-supply on Monday, we decided that we would just
drive them all out on Saturday instead, and get their car trucked out when
we return from Addis. So if you do the math--this will be 4 adults (one six
months pregnant and prone to motion-sickness), 1 teenager, 2 kids out of car
seats, and 2 kids in car seats. In our Land Cruiser which seats 5
comfortably and then has two fold down side-facing seats in the very back.

Oh, did I mention the 4 foot python as well? He also is making the trip with
us. This morning Caleb was called over to our evangelist's house to kill a
snake and found a python. Knowing it's not poisonous, he captured it instead
and intends to bring it with us to Addis to give as a present to one of our
friends there who is an avid snake-guy.


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