Thursday, April 8, 2010

Let Me Tell You About Daisy

Tiny. She is not. She never has been. But it's somewhat of an optical illusion. Because she's not all that big--6 lbs, 10 oz at birth and now 11 pounds at 2 months. But something about this child is just...strong. She came into the world being able to hold her head up (although if I am to be completely honest, it was probably due to the LACK of a neck rather than STRENGTH of her neck) and somehow the whole "newborn-I-look-like-a-bug" stage bypassed her completely.

She's beautiful. I think she's cuter than our other two at this age (hopefully they'll never read this blog when they get older). She's like an old soul to me. I look at her and she looks back. She watches everything around her with an intentness that is older than her 8 weeks.

She likes her bouncer chair. Correction. She LOVES her bouncer chair. Put that thing on vibrate and she's good for at least an hour. Although I can't say that she has always been so content for the whole of her short life. In fact, this is what Daisy looked like for most of the first month:

Don't blame her. The poor thing has reflux. Thankfully, what used to be called "colic" now has a diagnosis--and a medication. So thanks to Zantac and Prevacid, Daisy can now look like this:
Calmer, right?
Thank goodness.

Ezra loves Daisy. When I say 'loves', what I really mean is ADORES, WORSHIPS, SMOTHERS. He is her biggest fan. I hear "Mama, she's cute" at least 20 times a day. I'm not exaggerating. I wouldn't do that about a brother's love.

And I don't blame him. There's just something about Daisy. I love this child. It sounds ridiculous, right? Of course I love my baby. But like I said, there's just something about Daisy. Leah says she's unique. And I agree. Happy 2 month birthday, baby. We're glad that you are ours.

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